Project Description

Supply · Demand · Institutional · Financing

The Italian re-LABs cover the entire renovation value chain with representatives from the supply-side, demand-side, institutions and financing.

Interested to connect with one of its members? You can contact our partners responsible for the Italian re-LABs:



__________ re-LAB Emilia-Romagna Partners
ACER BOLOGNA | ACER Bologna is a public body, responsible for managing public housing in Bologna. They manage a large number of condominiums rented out to vulnerable users and are wholly responsible for the decision-making process. Since it manages flats for vulnerable tenants at subsidized rents, ACER is highly qualified to contribute in the field of “extreme” renovation conditions, thus representing/providing a reliable “stress test” in the framework of building energy renovation.
ACER constantly carries out energy efficiency interventions and has expressed great interest in the re-MODULEES platform, since it can provide a well-equipped toolbox, where users can find the technological solutions, their certified effectiveness and relevant costs.
ASPPI MODENA | The Association of local homeowners – ASPPI (Associazione Piccoli Proprietari) of the Modena Province currently associates about 5,000 homeowners and about 550 condominiums. ASPPI fully represents the interests and needs of small homeowners/landlords who are the key element to trigger the renovation process. Given the wide real estate assets managed by ASPPI Modena, their contribution to re-MODULEES is essential and it acts as an “aggregator” who can offer multiple opportunities to test & validate the re-MODULEES.
ASPPI is very interested in the support that re-MODULEES can give in the evaluation of the renovation investment, in obtaining correct and unbiased information about the interventions and in the technological solutions offered by the re-MODULEES Platform, which could also allow carrying out renovation interventions in the context of historical centers.
Legambiente Emilia-Romagna | Legambiente is an association which protecting the environment on a solid scientific basis and connects the environmental issue with the needs of citizens and local contexts. A particular focus is put on problems related to the environmental and urban degradation of cities and the link between the economy and the environment. Moreover, Legambiente is constantly interested in raising awareness and training of citizens.
In the Project framework, Legambiente expects to disseminate the capitalisation work of re-MODULEES in order to provide local contexts with information on the concrete opportunities for renovation and urban regeneration that may exist, also exploiting the support of financial institutions.
Emilia- Romagna Regional Authority | The Emilia-Romagna Regional authority is an autonomous entity with defined powers in regional affairs as granted by state legislation to which it is subordinate and establishes regional legislation concurrent with the national one as regards to energy efficiency. The regional authority is very interested in capitalising European projects such as re-MODULEES. This capitalisation is essential to address two aspects that are particularly important to the Region:
1) the financial dimension, i.e. understanding how the regional authority can act with respect to the funds made available and what can be improved since the Regional Authority is defining the regional energy plans;
2) the regulatory aspect, since the regulatory framework is complex and multi-level. Therefore it is important to consider possible interventions to harmonize it.
With regard to innovation, the Region is interested in testing new technologies that can promote innovation and the greening. In turn, the Regional Authority can contribute with good practices that can be shared already at the methodological level providing support in raising the awareness of citizens towards regeneration and offering pilot sites for testing and validating the re-MODULEES solutions.
ANCI Emilia-Romagna | ANCI (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani) is the association of Italian municipalities and, at regional level, represents the municipalities of Emilia-Romagna. ANCI is a meeting point of the experiences and needs of local administrators. Its action ensures the necessary coordination between individual municipalities. In particular, ANCI provides information, updates and in-depth analyses regarding the different issues of the municipalities and implements training processes aimed at assisting them, especially with the organisational innovations required by changes in the regulations.
The contribution to re-MODULEES expected from ANCI is that ANCI will play the role of a two-way “HUB”: collecting the considerations made at local level (about 330 Municipalities) and reporting them to the re-LAB and vice versa.
ART-ER | ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory is the Emilia-Romagna Joint Stock Consortium born with the purpose of fostering sustainable growth by developing innovation and knowledge, attractiveness and internalization of the region. ART-ER is actively contributing to the re-MODULEES and is interested in the reactivation of the potentially huge but stagnant renovation market. In the framework of re-MODULEES, a significant reflection should be made on the perspective of funding and the impulse to renovation offered by the “Recovery Plan” and the consequent Italian National Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza-PNRR).
ART-ER can contribute with the experience of previous European projects aimed at building the retrofitting value chain and can provide support to system actions within the project working on experiments that can then act as a driving force for the regional system and as a starting point for the national and European level.
LEGACOOP Emilia-Romagna | Legacoop Emilia-Romagna is the representative association on the regional territory of the cooperatives belonging to the Legacoop at national level. It is part of the Italian cooperative movement and is autonomous from an economic and legal point of view. The co-operative reality is mainly composed of housing co-operatives (demand) and service co-operatives (design and construction relevant for the renovation process). It actively supports its co-operative members since it represents at regional level all member co-operatives and companies, acting as bearer for their interests and for the common needs; it coordinates at regional level the policies of the territorial and sectoral associations that compose LEGACOOP.
LEGACOOP can play the fundamental role of “aggregator” providing many opportunities to test and validate re-MODULEES solutions and subsequently launch large scale pilot projects not only at regional but also at national level (NSN).
CONFCOOPERATIVE EMILIA-ROMAGNA | Confcooperative E-R associates about 1700 cooperatives in E-R belonging to all economic sectors, from agriculture to construction. From a technical point of view, competences are not in the association, which instead has a political role of liaison. ConfCooperatives is very interested in the Project potential to foster the interaction with institutions in order to bring the fundamental demand aggregation instance to the legislator at regional level. In addition, the project could offer a platform available to all and for free, which would be a simple tool to make the renovation interventions more attractive to demand.
re-MODULEES can provide support in overcoming the problems of construction companies and the training of SMEs that are lagging behind in planning and doing business, compared to other countries. ConfCooperative is expected to provide suggestions to understand how to aggregate families and users and at the same time do it in a co-operative form.
CLUST-ER BUILD | The Clust-ER BUILD is an association of public and private organisations (companies, research centres and training institutions) that aims to support the innovation system in the building and construction field, developing collaborative research and technology transfer activities, according to the priorities of the Emilia Romagna Region Smart Specialization Strategy (S3). Together with the Technopoles and the High Technology Network laboratories, the Clust-ERs are key players in the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER.The Clust-ER focuses its action on three strategic lines of research and innovation through working groups representative of the building and construction system of Emilia-Romagna: conservation and enhancement of historical and artistic heritage for recovery, restoration and intelligent reuse, thanks to technological and innovative processes, energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings, for efficient, resilient and sustainable buildings, security of buildings and civil infrastructure, to reduce their vulnerability and mitigate environmental risk (seismic, hydraulic and hydrogeological).
The Clust-ER expects that the re-MODULEES Platform can increase the sense of community among the Clust-ER members and stakeholders of the retrofitting value chain. In addition, re-MODULEES can also foster the involvement of stakeholders at regional level.
CLUST-ER GREENTECH | The Energy and Sustainable development Clust-ER GREENTECH is an association of public and private bodies: companies, research centres and training institutions that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness of the sector. The Emilia-Romagna Region has found in the Clust-ERs the subjects capable of multiplying innovation opportunities through a collaborative approach, as they focus their activity in R&D strategic sectors. Together with the Technopoles and the High Technology Network laboratories, they are one of the key players in the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER. The Clust-ER aims to promote the development of energy and sustainability sectors.
ClustER Greentech expects that the capitalization of previous and ongoing projects offered by re-MODULEES will allow developing a new knowledge base on the renovation process. She believes that communicating/sharing/exchanging experiences/good practices are essential to overcome barriers which hamper the renovation market uptake.
FedIngER | FedIngER (Federazione Regionale Ordini Ingegneri dell’Emilia Romagna) is composed of the Professional Associations of the Engineers of the seven provinces of the Emilia-Romagna Region and represents the ideal institution for connecting and coordinating the activities of the single professional associations, while respecting their autonomy. FedIngER can provide valuable technical support to re-MODULEES by representing the professionals of Emilia-Romagna, conveying their innovation needs and suggesting solutions for the renovation market uptake. re-MODULEES offers the opportunity to collaborate with a network of professionals in the incentive framework currently in force (e.g. Superbonus and Ecobonus). The current incentivizing scenario represents a significant opportunity both from an economic point of view and in terms of updating and training the stakeholders of the retrofitting value chain.
The contribution to re-MODULEES expected from FedIngER consists in promoting a uniform and clear operational approach to energy renovation interventions to be applied by all the professionals at local level.
CNA Ravenna | CNA is the Italian Confederation of Craft Trades and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises at local level (Ravenna Province). It is a private association that acts as technical consultant, innovative solution provider and promoter of the renovation process. They represent and protect the interests of micro, small and medium enterprises operating in the fields of manufacturing, construction, services, and in general the business world and its associated forms, with particular reference to the craft sector (i.e plumbers, windows installers, etc.) involved in building retrofitting.
CNA expressed strong interest in participating in the Project since re-MODULEES could: try to give answers to SMEs on the legislative provisions, i.e. make companies aware of the interventions that can be done, how they can be done and how to comply with the regulations; support enterprises in becoming aware of and understanding new technologies; support enterprises in assessing renovation scenarios with simple and user-friendly tools.
NOMISMA | Nomisma is a company that carries out market research and consultancy, targeting businesses, associations and public institutions. Nomisma’s Development and Sustainability Division aims to improve building processes, urban regeneration and environmental enhancement. The objective of NOMISMA is to generate new opportunities, increase skills and develop products in the areas of sustainable development, urban regeneration and the valorisation of real estate assets. Nomisma actively collaborates in re-MODULEES and is strongly interested in the issues of the Project and in particular re-MODULEES is considered as an opportunity to raise awareness and link between renovation of buildings for the housing need that involves families; urban redevelopment and regeneration for increasing real estate value.
Thanks to Nomisma, it will be possible to turn the opportunities for energy renovation of buildings into improvements not only in the buildings themselves, but also in the services and context connected to the buildings where the retrofitting work could be done.
ICCREA BANCA | Iccrea (Istituto Centrale del Credito Cooperativo) Banca is at the top of Iccrea Banking Group. It develops the cooperative credit bank market to support local customers, with a wide and customised offer system, products, services and business strategies. They provide financial instruments for clients to carry out building retrofitting. Iccrea Banca directs and coordinates the Group companies and centralises services concerning the main governance and control functions. It oversees and manages banking, financial and service activities for BCCs. It offers services on finance, institutional loans, securities administration, payment systems and e-money; it manages technological infrastructures and develops web and multi-channel projects for the Group.
The ICCREA contribution consists in providing opportunities to contribute to the turnaround of the real-estate market in the direction suggested by recent European policies.


__________ re-LAB Puglia Partners
Confabitare | Confabitare offers its members many important services for the management of real estate, guaranteeing assistance in legal, technical, tax, administrative, contractual, trade union matters and, in general, in every area of real estate property law.
ARCA Puglia Centrale (Agenzia Regionale per la Casa e l’Abitare) | ARCA is the Puglia Regional Agency for House. The role of the ARCA is that of a subject operating in the Public Administration engaged in the management of public assets and above all in the implementation of a regional policy for the house that consists of building interventions based on constructive quality, energy saving, both at the construction level and at the level of urban regeneration. The real estate assets owned by the ARCA consists of more than 3,100 buildings (about 21300 real estate units) with an average age of 46 years, divided into more than 2,100 fully rented buildings with an average age of 40 years and a little more of 1,000 mixed condominiums, with an average age of 58 (referring to 31/12/2016 survey).
ARTICOLO 47 | The organization is aimed at acting preliminarily on the information – and preventive level, pursuing through the use of advertising for dissemination purposes, conferences and study seminars, an increased freedom of self-determination, obtainable thanks to the knowledge and awareness of individual and classy rights and interests. The association specifically assists and protects users, on a judicial but above all preventive level, within the conflict deriving from the imbalance between individually assumed obligations and readily liquidable assets.
ASSET (Agenzia Regionale Strategica per lo Sviluppo Ecosostenibile del Territorio) | ASSET is the Regional Strategic Agency for the Sustainable Development of the Territory. From January 2018 it replaced the Arem (Regional Agency for Mobility of the Puglia Region) by expanding its functions. It is an operational technical body supporting the Region for the definition and management of policies for mobility, urban quality, public works, ecology and landscape, for the prevention and protection of the territory and hydrogeological and seismic risk. ASSET is therefore the new regional agency dedicated, as public engineering, to strategic planning, integrated programming, design and implementation of public works. It deals with training alongside the GSE in order to help municipalities for the efficiency of public buildings with architectural constraints.
Province of Lecce | The Province of Lecce is an Italian province of Puglia of 772.276 inhabitants with the capital city of Lecce, the second most populous in the region after the Metropolitan city of Bari. It is totally included in the geographical region of Salento and is the easternmost in Italy.
University of Salento | The University of Salento (until 2007 University of Lecce) is an Italian public University, founded in 1955. It is the second university in Puglia by number of students, preceded by the University of Bari. It has eight university departments and is based in the city of Lecce, with some locations also in Monteroni di Lecce, Mesagne and Brindisi. It shares the knowledge in the field of building retrofitting from the technology point of view considering the current advances in the field.
ANCE (Associazione Nazionale Imprenditori Edili) | It represents and protects the interests of the building contractors at the provincial level and, therefore, is committed to promoting the image and interests of the members towards the public institutions and all the economic, social and financial components operating in the area. In particular, it stipulates collective labor agreements and agreements in its own territorial area and plays a role of assistance and consultancy in favor of associated companies for trade union, technical, legal, fiscal and financial problems. Its role is also developed through the network of joint bodies set up with the workers’ unions on the front of assistance to the workers themselves (construction banks), occupational safety, the professional organization of workers (school bodies). It also monitors the economic trend of the construction sector through the collection of prices, data and news as well as by developing studies and analyzes.

ORDINE DEGLI ARCHITETTI, PIANIFICATORI, PAESAGGISTI E CONSERVATORI DELLA PROVINCIA DI BARI | A professional order is a self-governing institution of a free profession. The subjects that are part of it must generally be enrolled in a special order or college, called professional register, which exercises control and supervision over the members, also with disciplinary functions, through a disciplinary council for most professions.

ORDINE DEGLI INGEGNERI DELLA PROVINCIA DI BARI | A professional order is a self-governing institution of a free profession. The subjects that are part of it must generally be enrolled in a special order or college, called professional register, which exercises control and supervision over the members, also with disciplinary functions, through a disciplinary council for most professions.
Energy Manager Association | Onlus professionals association, founded in 1985, promoting energy efficiency and renewable sources uses in Apulian Region. It is a technical association of professionals , energy managers , companies founded in 1885 in Bari by a group of energy managers. The Energy Managers Association is now associated with ASVIS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile.
AESS (Agenzia per l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile) | The Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development (AESS) is a non-profit association for the sustainable energy development of the area. It is also an Energy Services Company (ESCO) accredited by the Energy Services Manager (GSE) and certified according to the UNI CEI 11352 standard. AESS is part of the European Network of Energy Agencies and the Italian Network of Energy Agencies RENAEL. AESS provides services to public bodies, companies and individuals in the sectors of rationalization and efficiency improvement in the use of energy resources, energy saving, the use of renewable energy sources, the reduction of climate-changing gas emissions, the promotion of transport collective and public awareness of sustainable development.


__________ re-LAB Province of Bozen Partners
Province of Bozen, South Tyrol, or Alto Adige, is a province in northeast Italy, of 520,891 inhabitants with the capital city of Bozen. Within the Province, the Energy and Climate Protection Office was contacted and involved in RE-MODULEES action. Such office is involved in the market transition to nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEBs) to develop recommendations, strategies, and incentives for the buildings’ owners to accelerate the building market transition to high energy performance building (nZEB target) for new and renovated ones.
Volksbank is the South Tyrolian People’s Bank. It is deeply active to support the Superbonus 110% with specific model to transfer the “renovation credit”.
Energy Agency CasaClima | CasaClima is the energy agency of the province of Bozen. CasaClima is deeply involved in several local action to increase the energy efficiency of the buildings, new and existing ones. CasaClima agency works on high energy performance target and minimum energy performance requirements, indoor comfort, energy performance calculation methods, tools and policy definitions, sustainable materials, learning initiatives, visit tours on positive experiences, and dissemination events from the CasaClima fair to CasaClima award. CasaClima has a key role in the transition to be climate-neutral by 2050, and an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. At local level, the current challenge is to increase the renewal rate, currently stable at 1%, and to reach the “utopian” (in the experience of the agency’s representatives) target of 3% set at European level.
Euregio Plus is an asset management company, owned by the Autonomous Provinces of Bolzano and Trento and by the public company Pensplan Centrum. EuregioPlus operates in the financial sector, in pension fund management, in the real estate sector, in private debts, private equity and venture capital. They develop local projects and support local entrepreneurship economically through qualified professionalism and the participation of public and private investors.
Inewa is an ESCo and a consulting company. It is located in the Province of Bozen, and its focus is on development of energy renovation strategy for building and industrial sectors, and use of RES in several contexts. They are deeply involved in a) technical and management optimization of installations, b) environmental consulting, c) energy planning, d) design and feasibility studies, e) plant administration services, f) due diligence, g) environmental and waste management consulting, h) energy efficiency certificates.
IPES is the Institute for Social Housing of the Province of Bozen. It is a public law body: it is the successor of the «Autonomous Institute for Social Housing», the latter set up in 1934 for the purpose of building housing for industrial workers in South Tyrol which at the time were brought together from the other Italian provinces together with the families.
In 1972, IPES passed under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and adopted a new statute. The administration of IPES is provided by a Board of Directors while the Board of Auditors acts as auditor. IPES is subject to the control of the Provincial Government.
Association of the constructors of the province of Bozen, has around 90 construction companies spread across the Province of Bozen. They operate in various sectors: building construction, civil engineering and infrastructure, road construction, recycling of building materials and waste management. It aims to support and simplify the technical barriers of the construction sector. It has an active cooperation with the province, municipalities, trade unions and public and private bodies.

Pohl Immobilien is a real estate construction company deeply involved in new and renovated residential projects in the Province of Bozen.

  Chamber of Engineer of the Province of Bozen
  Chamber of Architect of the Province of Bozen